In Hong Kong today, more people strive to take better care of their health. At the same time, the demand for online shopping is constantly growing. At ESDlife, we are passionate about connecting these two trends through our e-commerce platform health.ESDlife. It is the only Hong Kong site that brings together all health-related products and services for our customers. These include:

When we formed health.ESDlife over a decade ago, we did it so consumers in Hong Kong could make informed, healthy choices and lead more fulfilled lives. Since then, we have become the most experienced e-commerce provider in the industry, and have fundamentally changed the way Hongkongers search, book and buy healthcare products and services. Our all-in-one marketplace offers price comparisons so booking health checks and buying supplements is easy.

As we look to the future, we are committed to developing our network of reputable health-check centres and health product suppliers. We list more than 600 medical check-up plans from over 80 accredited providers, and this number is growing. Our loyal customers enjoy being able to choose the right services, at the right price. But also, we take great pride in the convenience we provide so people look after their health and enjoy all the benefits of life lived to the full.