Since my first day at work, I have felt valued and heard. Managers and colleagues actively seek and listen to my opinions and thoughts. This friendly atmosphere creates a comfortable environment that empowers me to confidently express my ideas and contribute to the company’s growth.

I further witness the company’s open and inclusive culture when I work on company projects. In every meeting, we had the opportunity to share and exchange ideas, creating a collaborative environment where everyone’s input mattered. Additionally, having regular catchup meetings with my supervisor helped me align my own goals and values with those of the company, which laid the groundwork for a rewarding and successful journey together.

Another key value of ESDlife is its emphasis on training and development, with a focus on nurturing an all-rounded individual. As a trainee, I have been fortunate to receive mentorship from experienced managers and seniors, providing me with valuable insights into effective problem-solving strategies, guidance on best practices of the industry and suggestions on how to overcome specific challenges. Moreover, I have been provided with various workshops to enhance not only my technical skills but also my soft skills. I acquired valuable knowledge encompassing cutting-edge technological advancements like Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence, as well as essential soft skills such as presentation and negotiation. This holistic training approach further prepares me to be a more competent individual in adapting to future challenges.


Yolanda Fung
ESD – Management Trainee
2023 intake