healthyD Announces Survey Results on Sexual Behavior on UN’s International Day of Happiness

healthyD Announces Results of Survey on Sexual Behavior & Erectile Dysfunction (ED) & Expectation on Oral Therapy
- 60% Male Respondents Reluctantly Admit or Seek Medical Advice for ED
- 40% Male Respondents Have Misunderstanding on Medical Treatment
- Evident Demand for New Treatment with Quick Onset & Minimal Side Effect to Resume “Optimal” Intercourse Performance & Enjoy Genuine Pleasure in Intercourse with Partner
[Hong Kong – 20 March, 2018] Nothing is better than “just do it” for a perfect intimacy with sex – but it is not taken for granted. Due to physical or psychological factors, male could be suffered from erectile dysfunction (ED) and potentially underperformed during intercourse. Celebrating the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness on 20 March, healthyD (, the healthcare extension of ESDlife, announced results of Survey on Sexual Behavior & Erectile Dysfunction (ED) & Expectation on Oral Therapy to enhance public awareness on ED and respective treatment in Hong Kong for truly enjoying genuine pleasure in intercourse. Conducted via online questionnaire from 5 December to 17 December, 2017, 473 males aged 40+ and 205 females were successfully interviewed for the purposes of understanding sexual behavior of Hong Kong people (especially male aged 40+) and ED patients’ attitude towards seeking assistance, as well as evaluating the feedback from current PDE5i users and understand their interest and expectation towards new generation of oral treatment containing PDE5i inhibitor.
Prevalence of ED increases with age; mixed attitude on treatment among ED patients.
The survey shows that prevalence of ED is quite common among males in their 40s. For instance, 27% of male respondents aged 40+ in are ED patients. Besides, male respondents aged 49+ have a higher prevalence of ED than those between the ages of 40-49, indicating a positive correlation between age and probability of suffering from ED.
It is worth noting that a mixed attitude on ED is identified among male respondents, indicating the tough psychological journey from psychological acceptance on ED to physical acceptance on treatment. Among male respondents who are non-ED patients, 59% said they would seek for medical assistance. However, when ED symptoms occur, 55% of patients indicated they have no intention to seek for solution. For reasons behind not seeking for ED solution, the majority of male respondents concerned about side effects after dosage; embarrassment (37%) and unfamiliarity of solution (35%) were also addressed by respondents.
42% male respondents have insufficient knowledge on PDE5i treatment efficacy – and treatment misunderstanding persists.
For 20 years, PDE5i is the main ingredient of ED treatment; yet insufficient public knowledge on this inhibitor hinders its popularity in improving quality of life. For treatment expectations, the majority of male respondents target to attain normal erection, with 87% prefers a treatment onset time within 30 minutes.
On the other hand, there are rumors highlighting the side effects of ED treatment such as association with underlying cardiovascular disease. Although these have been confirmed by the medical community as fallacy, the survey however reflects that respondents are more concerned on the side effects of treatment. Among the side effects, more respondents are frustrated with flushing and headache. Should ED treatment with minimal side effect be available, over 80% of male respondents indicated they would consider about it.
Females tend to prioritize partner’s sexual need; 70% support partner to improve performance with ED oral treatment.
Given sexual intercourse is a natural process that enhances mutual understanding, the survey reflects similarities between male and female respondents in terms of sexual behavior. Over 90% of respondents indicated the intercourse was initiated by the male partner; while an intercourse is usually not planned, it depends on the feeling and atmosphere that drives the happening, and quality is more important than quantity. For maintaining more intimate relationship with their partner, respondents mostly expect a smooth and comfortable intercourse. Thus, availability of ED oral treatment with quick onset ensures patients will not spoil the romantic moments with their partners.
The survey shows 72% of female respondents were satisfied during intercourse, with more females expect to satisfy their partner’s sexual needs (62%) rather than their own (50%). However, 55% of female respondents admitted they would be easily distracted by the surrounding during intercourse. Should their partner suffer from ED in future, 43% of female respondents expressed they would not satisfied during course, yet 73% support their partner to improve performance with ED oral treatment. They put top priority on the safety level of treatment, such as addressing whether it generates minimal side effect.
New generation of PDE5i (avanafil) sets to launch in Hong Kong and effectively meets users’ expectations.
We all understand the important to treat the disease early before it takes a hold. An ED treatment that can eliminate patients’ fallacies and doubts will give a psychological boost. Avanafil is a new-generation PDE5i that precisely meets patients’ and their partners’ expectations on safety, onset time and duration. Since sexual intercourse is usually not planned, treatment onset efficiency is a key for patients to enjoy genuine pleasure. Avanafil not only outpaces existing ED treatments with an onset time between 15-30 minutes, its 6-hour duration adequately meets male respondents’ efficacy expectations from their ED treatment experience. As side effect symptoms such as dizziness, temporary visual disturbance and indigestion are eliminated, ED patients can rest assured to receive treatment and rejuvenate. Despite the availability of ED treatments, urologists highly recommend male patients to seek medical advice as soon as possible to ease their doubts on sexual health; they must obtain a prescription from urologist to purchase the appropriate ED treatments for receiving safe and effective medication, eventually regaining genuine pleasure from intercourse and maintaining happy relationship with partner.
Photo captions

Table 1: Mixed attitude on erectile dysfunction (ED) among male respondents

Table 2: Men VS Women priority on improving performance with ED oral treatment

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